Xuxa and the Mystery of the Little Ugly Princess
Xuxa and the Mystery of the Little Ugly Princess

Xuxa and the Mystery of the Little Ugly Princess

Do you believe in the magic of love?

December 25, 200979 min4.9PT

Based on the book O Fantástico Mistério de Feiurinha, the story combines real world and fantasy, dream and determination, with a surprising end, even for a fairy tale. The movie shows the fight of the fairy tale characters, now adults, who come together to recover the fable of the Little Ugly Princess, a beautiful Princess with a strange name, which only makes sense for those who know her story. The problem is that children and adults have forgotten the story of the Little Ugly Princess, which is as wonderful as other major fables for children. Cinderella brings together other fairy tale characters to meet the writer who keeps, lost in a small notebook, the Little Ugly Princess story.

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